【同义词辨析】 2018-04-20 离开go-retire
go: is the general term, and is commonly used as the simple opposite of come: ~ away for the day.
leave: stresses the fact of separation from someone or something: ~ her hometown to take a new job.
depart: carries more implication of separation than leave, and may suggest formality: the plane ~ in the afternoon.
quit: adds to leave the notion of freeing, ridding or disentangling from something that burdens or tries: ~ a dull job.
withdraw: suggests a deliberate removal for good reason: the visitors ~ when the doctor came into the room.
retire: implies distinctively renunciation, retreat or recession: ~ into a monastory.
go: 通用,通常仅表示和”来”相反,leave: 强调分开,depart: 比leave更强调分开,更正式,quit: 从负担考验中释放摆脱解脱,withdraw: 出于好的目的而有意离开,retire: 放弃撤退回退(3r)
记忆方法: 1)GLLDQWR联想成GLaD QWeeR: 出奇的高兴<==将要离开
2)离开的意思是不再在之前的地方mean to move out of or away from the place where one is.